X (Twitter) Insights

You can receive aggregated breakdowns of X metadata via the four endpoints that power our X Insights component.

These endpoints are very similar, and accept all of our usual Filters.

Required Parameters

ParameterDefinitionAccepted Values
queryId / queryGroupIdThe ID of the Query or Query Group that contains the Mentions for which you'd like to see.int
(Learn how to retrieve your Query ID or Query Group ID
startDateThe beginning of the date range that contains the Mentions."YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss.xxx+xxxx"
endDateThe end of the date range that contains the Mentions."YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss.xxx+xxxx"

Note: you can specify the time zone by replacing +xxxx with the ISO UTC offset, e.g -0500 for New York standard time. Important: The character + should be URL encoded to %2B

X Hashtags

curl -X GET 'https://api.brandwatch.com/projects/397382923/data/hashtags?queryId=1834636622&startDate=2023-11-11&endDate=2023-11-18'

The result will look like the following:

    "results": [
            "name": "#battenwear",
            "label": null,
            "volume": 27,
            "tweets": 27,
            "retweets": 0,
            "impressions": 0
            "name": "#menswear",
            "label": null,
            "volume": 6,
            "tweets": 6,
            "retweets": 0,
            "impressions": 0
            "name": "#outdoor",
            "label": null,
            "volume": 5,
            "tweets": 5,
            "retweets": 0,
            "impressions": 0
    "orderBy": "volume",
    "orderDirection": "desc"

X Emoticons

curl -X GET 'https://api.brandwatch.com/projects/397382923/data/emoticons?queryId=1834636622&startDate=2023-11-11&endDate=2023-11-18'

The result will look like the following:

    "results": [
          "impressions": 4142732,
          "volume": 469,
          "reachEstimate": 1596865,
          "retweets": 156,
          "tweets": 313,
          "label": "spaghetti",
          "name": "🍝"
    "orderBy": "volume",
    "orderDirection": "desc"

X Stories

curl -X GET https://api.brandwatch.com/projects/397382923/data/urls?queryId=1834636622&startDate=2023-11-11&endDate=2023-11-18

The result will look like the following:

    "results": [
          "impressions": 3366927,
          "volume": 48,
          "reachEstimate": 121891,
          "retweets": 46,
          "tweets": 2,
          "label": null,
          "name": "https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/17/t-magazine/best-pasta-italy.html?smtyp=cur&smid=tw-tmagazine"
    "orderBy": "volume",
    "orderDirection": "desc"

X Mentioned Authors

curl -X GET 'https://api.brandwatch.com/projects/397382923/data/mentionedauthors?queryId=1834636622&startDate=2023-11-11&endDate=2023-11-18'

The result will look like the following:

    "results": [
          "impressions": 50330,
          "volume": 106,
          "reachEstimate": 15964,
          "retweets": 106,
          "tweets": 0,
          "label": null,
          "name": "@cbgunionglobal"
    "orderBy": "volume",
    "orderDirection": "desc"