
In order to automatically exclude certain common topics from your queries, you can retrieve the list of existing exclusions and include the identifiers in the exclusionSnippets optional parameter.


ParameterDefinitionAccepted Values
languageFilter the returned object by language value.ISO 639 two-letter language code.


The following example call returns a list of all possible exclusion objects:

curl -X GET 'https://api.brandwatch.com/exclusionsnippet?language=en

And the response looks like this, where the id is what you need to include when you create a new Query:

    "results": [
          	"id": 30,
          	"name": "jobs",
          	"title": "Job adverts",
          	"language": "en",
          	"description": "",
          	"query": "..."
            "id": 28,
            "name": "marketplaces",
            "title": "Marketplace website deals",
            "language": "en",
            "description": "",
            "query": "..."