Retrieving Mentions
Listing the Mentions within your Query.
Required Parameters
There are three required parameters when retrieving Mentions:
Parameter | Definition | Accepted Values |
queryId / queryGroupId | The ID of the Query or Query Group that contains the Mentions. | int (Learn how to retrieve your Query ID or Query Group ID |
startDate | The beginning of the date range that contains the Mentions. | Format: "YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss:xx.xx+xxxx" Note: you can specify the time zone by replacing +xxxx with the ISO UTC offset, e.g -0500 for New York standard time. Important: The character + should be URL encoded to %2B |
endDate | The end of the date range that contains the Mentions. | Format: "YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss:xx.xx+xxxx" Note: you can specify the time zone by replacing +xxxx with the ISO UTC offset, e.g -0500 for New York standard time. Important: The character + should be URL encoded to %2B |
You can control the pagination by passing the following additional parameters.
Parameter | Definition | Accepted Values |
pageSize | The number of Mentions on each page of the response. | An integer from 1-5000 |
page | The page to retrieve, indexed from 0. | An integer, index starting at 0. |
There is a limit of 10,000 mentions that can be retrieved using page
and pageSize
alone. To see how to retrieve more mentions see the tutorial Paging through historical Mentions.
You also have the option to control the ordering by passing additional parameters:
Parameter | Definition | Accepted Values |
orderBy | The field you'd like to order the Mentions by. | List of options |
orderDirection | The direction to order the Mentions. | "desc" (descending) or "asc" (ascending) |
Example Call
An example call for Mentions in the Project with ID 289733322
is below.
(Click here to learn how to get your Project ID)
curl -X GET ''
The response will look like this:
"results": [
"accountType": "individual",
"added": "2019-10-10T17:48:54.588+0000",
"assignment": null,
"author": null,
"authorVerifiedType": null,
"avatarUrl": null,
"blogName": null,
"categories": [
"categoryDetails": [
"id": "8151046",
"name": "Negative",
"parentId": "8151044",
"parentName": "Custom Sentiment"
"id": "7594551",
"name": "BBC Radio",
"parentId": "7594548",
"parentName": "BBC Programs"
"checked": false,
"city": null,
"cityCode": null,
"continent": "Europe",
"continentCode": "EUROPE",
"country": "United Kingdom",
"countryCode": "GBR",
"region": null,
"regionCode": null,
"date": "2020-06-29T22:45:43.000+0000",
"dailyVisitors": 1973,
"displayUrls": null,
"domain": "",
"expandedUrls": null,
"facebookAuthorId": null,
"facebookComments": 0,
"facebookLikes": 0,
"facebookRole": null,
"facebookShares": 0,
"facebookSubtype": null,
"fullname": "edwards0819 (Jan Edwards)",
"gender": "unknown",
"impressions": 48,
"insightsHashtag": null,
"insightsMentioned": null,
"instagramCommentCount": 0,
"instagramFollowerCount": 0,
"instagramFollowingCount": 0,
"instagramInteractionsCount": 0,
"instagramLikeCount": 0,
"instagramPostCount": 0,
"interest": [],
"itemReview": null,
"language": "en",
"lastAssignmentDate": null,
"latitude": 0,
"linkedinComments": 0,
"linkedinEngagement": 0,
"linkedinImpressions": 0,
"linkedinLikes": 0,
"linkedinShares": 0,
"linkedinVideoViews": 0,
"locationName": "GBR",
"longitude": 0,
"matchPositions": [
"start": 213,
"text": "BBCR4today",
"length": 10
"mediaFilter": null,
"mediaUrls": [
"monthlyVisitors": 1308696000,
"originalUrl": null,
"pageType": "twitter",
"parentPostId": null,
"parentBlogName": null,
"priority": null,
"professions": [],
"pubType": null,
"publisherSubType": null,
"queryId": 1999933037,
"queryName": "BBC",
"rating": null,
"reachEstimate": 0,
"replyTo": null,
"resourceType": "crimsonMonitor",
"retweetOf": null,
"rootPostId": null,
"rootBlogName": null,
"sentiment": "neutral",
"shortUrls": null,
"snippet": null,
"starred": false,
"status": null,
"subtype": null,
"tags": [],
"threadAuthor": null,
"threadCreated": "2019-08-30T19:25:43.000+0000",
"threadEntryType": null,
"threadId": "1167518780588810240",
"threadURL": null,
"title": "",
"twitterAuthorId": null,
"twitterFollowers": null,
"twitterFollowing": null,
"twitterPostCount": null,
"twitterReplyCount": null,
"twitterRetweets": null,
"twitterRole": null,
"twitterVerified": null,
"updated": "2019-10-10T17:48:54.588+0000",
"url": "",
"copyright": [],
"weblogTitle": null,
"classifications": [
"classifierId": "emotions",
"labelId": "Sadness",
"name": "Sadness",
"confidence": 0.43600535
"pageTypeName": "Twitter",
"impact": 0,
"imageInfo": [
"url": "",
"imageDimensions": {
"height": 675,
"width": 1200
"dominantColor": "#082A5E",
"objects": [
"id": 4105,
"confidence": 0.9748200178146362
"scenes": [
"id": 3750,
"confidence": 0.9648399949073792
"id": 3779,
"confidence": 0.9537400007247925
"logoImagesGroupId": "3737363464336336656563313631386634363765646630366536666633623432"
"resourceId": "c54d12f5107496bac30b5ddc3478bbab",
"entityInfo" : [
"entityConfidence" : "HIGH",
"entityId" : 19809,
"url" : ""
"entityConfidence" : "MEDIUM",
"entityId" : 4759878,
"url" : ""
"resultsPage": 0,
"resultsPageSize": 1,
"resultsTotal": 16332,
"scaledResultsTotal": 142452,
"nextCursor": "AQ=AA=AWzvRWQw=MTk5OTkzMzAzNyFjNTRkMTJmNTEwNzQ5NmJhYzMwYjVkZGMzNDc4YmJhYg",
"startDate": "2019-09-01T00:00:00.000+0000",
"endDate": "2019-09-02T00:00:00.000+0000"
For definitions of the returned fields, see Mention Field Definitions.
Full Text
If you wish to receive the full text of a Mention rather than just a snippet, then you can use the fulltext
curl -X GET ''
Data restrictions
For some content sources, there may be restrictions due to data compliance. Please see Data Restrictions for more information.
The Consumer Research API will return data as it was found and does not apply any additional encoding or sanitization before returning it through the Mentions endpoint. It is your responsibility to make sure that it is formatted correctly for display in your own application.
Updated 5 days ago