Available Filters
Learn about the Filters you can utilize to segment your data.
These Filters can then be used as parameters in Mention or Data Retrieval calls. For example, you could pass the parameter gender="female"
to only retrieve Mentions that were authored by females.
On this page we will show you:
Possible Filters
You can find out the metadata that you can filter by with the following call:
curl -X GET https://api.brandwatch.com/filters
The response will look like this:
"queryId": null,
"queryGroupId": null,
"projectId": null,
"startDate": null,
"endDate": null,
"timezone": null,
"search": null,
"sinceAssignmentUpdated": null,
"untilAssignmentUpdated": null,
"author": null,
"xauthor": null,
"exactAuthor": null,
"xexactAuthor": null,
"authorGroup": null,
"xauthorGroup": null,
"sentiment": null,
"pageType": null,
"xpageType": null,
"siteGroup": null,
"xsiteGroup": null,
"locationGroup": null,
"xlocationGroup": null,
"location": null,
"xlocation": null,
"category": null,
"xcategory": null,
"parentCategory": null,
"xparentCategory": null,
"tag": null,
"xtag": null,
"anyTag": null,
"status": null,
"xstatus": null,
"priority": null,
"xpriority": null,
"checked": null,
"starred": null,
"assigned": null,
"xassigned": null,
"monthlyVisitorsMax": null,
"monthlyVisitorsMin": null,
"twitterFollowersMax": null,
"twitterFollowersMin": null,
"twitterFollowingMax": null,
"twitterFollowingMin": null,
"twitterReplyTo": null,
"xtwitterReplyTo": null,
"twitterRetweetOf": null,
"xtwitterRetweetOf": null,
"twitterPostCountMax": null,
"twitterPostCountMin": null,
"twitterRetweetsMax": null,
"twitterRetweetsMin": null,
"twitterLikeCountMax": null,
"twitterLikeCountMin": null,
"reachEstimateMin": null,
"reachEstimateMax": null,
"language": null,
"xlanguage": null,
"domain": null,
"xdomain": null,
"facebookAuthorId": null,
"xfacebookAuthorId": null,
"facebookRole": null,
"xfacebookRole": null,
"facebookSubtype": null,
"xfacebookSubtype": null,
"subtype": null,
"xsubtype": null,
"facebookCommentsMax": null,
"facebookCommentsMin": null,
"facebookLikesMax": null,
"facebookLikesMin": null,
"facebookSharesMax": null,
"facebookSharesMin": null,
"twitterVerified": null,
"twitterRole": null,
"twitterAuthorId": null,
"xtwitterAuthorId": null,
"impressionsMax": null,
"impressionsMin": null,
"impactMax": null,
"impactMin": null,
"instagramFollowersMax": null,
"instagramFollowersMin": null,
"instagramFollowingMax": null,
"instagramFollowingMin": null,
"instagramPostsMax": null,
"instagramPostsMin": null,
"instagramLikesMax": null,
"instagramLikesMin": null,
"instagramCommentsMax": null,
"instagramCommentsMin": null,
"instagramInteractionsMax": null,
"instagramInteractionsMin": null,
"threadId": null,
"xthreadId": null,
"threadEntryType": null,
"xthreadEntryType": null,
"threadAuthor": null,
"xthreadAuthor": null,
"postByAuthor": null,
"xpostByAuthor": null,
"shareOfAuthor": null,
"xshareOfAuthor": null,
"replyToAuthor": null,
"xreplyToAuthor": null,
"resourceType": null,
"xresourceType": null,
"insightsEmoticon": null,
"insightsEmoji": null,
"insightsHashtag": null,
"insightsMentioned": null,
"insightsUrl": null,
"insightsSharedSite": null,
"xinsightsEmoticon": null,
"xinsightsEmoji": null,
"xinsightsHashtag": null,
"xinsightsMentioned": null,
"xinsightsUrl": null,
"xinsightsSharedSite": null,
"gender": null,
"accountType": null,
"profession": null,
"xprofession": null,
"interest": null,
"xinterest": null,
"exclusiveLocation": null,
"hourOfDay": null,
"dayOfWeek": null,
"geolocated": null,
"latitudeMin": null,
"latitudeMax": null,
"longitudeMin": null,
"longitudeMax": null,
"logoImagesGroupId": null,
"xlogoVersions": null,
"logoVersions": null,
"xclassifications": null,
"classifications": null,
"subreddit": null,
"xsubreddit": null,
"subredditSubscribersMin": null,
"subredditSubscribersMax": null,
"redditAuthorKarmaMin": null,
"redditAuthorKarmaMax": null,
"redditScoreMin": null,
"redditScoreMax": null,
"authorVerifiedType" : null,
"xauthorVerifiedType" : null
About the "x" fields
Filters that start with a
are meant for excluding mentions that for example contains a certain X author, or they are of a certain subtype, etc.
Polling for Mentions
Additional query filters are offered when the integration is meant to poll mentions on a recurring base.
Parameter | Value | Definition |
sinceAdded | 2019-01-16T23:51:28.157+0000 | Format: "YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss:xx.xx+xxxx" Retrieve all Mentions that have an added date later than the specified date. |
sinceUpdated | 2019-01-16T23:51:28.157+0000 | Format: "YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss:xx.xx+xxxx" Retrieve all Mentions that were updated after the specified date. E.g. a user added/removed categories, or it received an update for likes/reposts, etc. |
sourceType | new | The only acceptable value is new .Hide backfilled mentions and only show mentions that have been newly matched to your query |
For more information, follow the examples in the tutorial: Polling for Mentions
Accepted Values for Global Preset Metrics
Some of these Filters are actually global preset metrics, with a limited set of acceptable values. The below call will give you those presets and their corresponding accepted values:
curl -X GET https://api.brandwatch.com/metrics
This returns (at the time of writing):
"sentiments": [
"accountTypes": [
"genders": [
"contentSources": [
"id": "news",
"name": "News"
"id": "review",
"name": "Review"
"id": "four_chan",
"name": "4Chan"
"id": "tumblr",
"name": "Tumblr"
"id": "qq",
"name": "QQ"
"id": "reddit",
"name": "Reddit"
"id": "facebook",
"name": "Facebook"
"id": "dark_web",
"name": "Dark Web"
"id": "blog",
"name": "Blogs"
"id": "vk",
"name": "VK"
"id": "instagram",
"name": "Instagram"
"id": "youtube",
"name": "YouTube"
"id": "lexis_nexis_licensed_news",
"name": "LexisNexis Licensed News"
"id": "sina_weibo",
"name": "Sina Weibo"
"id": "forum",
"name": "Forums"
"id": "twitter",
"name": "Twitter"
"subTypes": [
As we add new global metrics, they will turn up here. It's worth mentioning that these change infrequently, often in line with new features being added to Consumer Research. If you wanted to store these locally and update them in your app infrequently, then you could take that approach and save on your rate limiting.
Note: If you would like to filter by "pageType", use the relevant "id" under "contentSources" (i.e "four_chan")
Timezone is not actually a filter
parameter is not actually a filter (it doesn't affect the mentions returned in a mentions call).
parameter is used to control API calls where we break data down by time units like days, weeks etc (chart calls, generally) - it means you'll get e.g. the data broken down by New York days rather than London days.
Updated 10 months ago