In order to filter by specific locations in a Query, Rule or when retrieving Mentions, you must make a call to a specific endpoint to search for the appropriate IDs.

Required Parameters

ParameterDefinitionAccepted Values
typeDefines what type of location you are searching forcity
prefixA search term of what the location begins withString, i.e "usa"

The following call retrieves a list of locations which contain the prefix usa:

curl -X GET ''

And the response would look something like this, where the id is used when creating a Query, Rule or retrieving Mentions to either include or exclude this location.

{ "resultsTotal": 51, "resultsPage": -1, "resultsPageSize": -1, "results": [ { "id": "USA.OR", "name": "Oregon", "type": "region", "fullName": "Oregon, United States of America, North America", "qualifiedName": "Oregon, United States of America" }, { "id": "USA.OH", "name": "Ohio", "type": "region", "fullName": "Ohio, United States of America, North America", "qualifiedName": "Ohio, United States of America" } ] }