Analysis Usage

Retrieve information on your usage of the Analysis API

You can make a request to retrieve information about your usage of the Analysis API:

curl -X GET ""

Here is what the response would look like:

   "clientId": 12345,
   "usage": {
       "total": 8,
       "monthly": {
           "requested": 13,
           "usage": [
               { "used": 3, "monthStart": "2021-04-01" },
               { "used": 0, "monthStart": "2021-03-01" },
               { "used": 0, "monthStart": "2021-02-01" },
               { "used": 5, "monthStart": "2021-01-01" },
               { "used": 0, "monthStart": "2020-12-01" },
               { "used": 0, "monthStart": "2020-11-01" },
               { "used": 0, "monthStart": "2020-10-01" },
               { "used": 0, "monthStart": "2020-09-01" },
               { "used": 0, "monthStart": "2020-08-01" },
               { "used": 0, "monthStart": "2020-07-01" },
               { "used": 0, "monthStart": "2020-06-01" },
               { "used": 0, "monthStart": "2020-05-01" },
               { "used": 0, "monthStart": "2020-04-01" }
   "quota": {
       "total": 103,
       "totalActive": 103,
       "remaining": 95


Difference between "total" and "totalActive" quota

In the response's quota summary you will notice two fields "total" and "totalActive".

The "total" field shows the total quota for all time (including expired quota packages).

The "totalActive" field shows the total quota of all active (non-expired) quota packages.

The default usage history length is 13 months. Add the months query parameter to control how much history you'd like to show:

curl -X GET ""