Editing Mentions

Mention metadata can be edited within the Brandwatch Consumer Research platform, either one by one or in bulk.

One this page we will show you:

Options for Editing Mention Metadata

Through the API you can edit mention sentiment, add or remove categories/tags, change workflow, or edit the location of a mention. For a full list of options, including the appropriate parameters and accepted values, see below:

ParameterDescriptionAccepted Values
sentimentChange the sentiment of a Mention"positive", "negative", "neutral"
addTagAdd a Tag to a Mentionlist of Tag names (strings)
removeTagRemove a Tag from a Mentionlist of Tag names (strings)
addCategoriesAdd a Category to a Mentionlist of Category IDs (ints)
(Click here to learn how to retrieve your Category ID.)
removeCategoriesRemove a Category from a Mentionlist of Category IDs (ints)
(Click here to learn how to retrieve your Category ID.)
priorityAdd or change the Priority of a Mention"high", "medium", "low"
removePriorityRemove the Priority from a Mention"high", "medium", "low"
statusAdd or change the Status of a Mention"open", "pending", "closed"
removeStatusRemove the Status from a Mention"open", "pending", "closed"
assignmentAdd an Assignment to a MentionThe email address (string) of a User with access to the given Project
removeAssignmentRemove an Assignment from a MentionThe email address (string) of a User with access to the given Project
checkedAdd or remove Checked from a MentionTRUE, FALSE
starredAdd or remove a Star from a MentionTRUE, FALSE
locationChange the Location of a Mentionstring
publicationNameAdd or change the Publication name of a Mentionstring
authorAdd or change the Author of a Mentionstring

Example Call - Editing Sentiment

When editing a mention, you will need the appropriate resourceId and queryId. Both of these will be included in any mention metadata when you retrieve mentions from Brandwatch. You should also provide the date (again this is included on the mention metadata). The date field is not required, but should provide performance benefits. In the future date will become a required field.

The below call will change the sentiment of two mentions (as identified by their resource IDs) to be positive:

curl -X PATCH \
  'https://api.brandwatch.com/projects/1998159493/data/mentions' \
  -d '[{"resourceId":"144080165734","queryId":1998534099,"date":"2017-07-03T11:36:38.000+0000","sentiment":"positive"},{"resourceId":"144080226006","queryId":1998534099,"date":"2017-07-03T11:38:00.000+0000","sentiment":"positive"}]'

For brevity, below is one of the two Mentions returned:

    "accountType": "individual",
    "assignment": null,
    "author": "charIiehughes",
  	"authorVerifiedType": null,
    "avatarUrl": "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/872927007172173826/TJaS_V5A_normal.jpg",
    "categories": [],
    "categoryDetails": [],
    "checked": false,
    "continent": "Europe",
    "continentCode": "eu",
    "country": "United Kingdom",
    "countryCode": "uk",
    "region": null,
    "regionCode": null,
    "date": "2017-07-03T11:36:38.000+0000",
    "dailyVisitors": 1973,
    "displayUrls": [],
    "domain": "twitter.com",
    "expandedUrls": [],
    "facebookAuthorId": null,
    "facebookComments": 0,
    "facebookLikes": 0,
    "facebookRole": null,
    "facebookShares": 0,
    "facebookSubtype": null,
    "fullname": "Charlie",
    "gender": "male",
    "id": 144080165734,
    "impact": 43,
    "impressions": 2257,
    "influence": 644,
    "insightsHashtag": [],
    "insightsMentioned": [],
    "instagramCommentCount": 0,
    "instagramFollowerCount": 0,
    "instagramFollowingCount": 0,
    "instagramLikeCount": 0,
    "instagramPostCount": 0,
    "interest": [],
    "language": "en",
    "lastAssignmentDate": null,
    "latitude": 0,
    "location": null,
    "author": null,
    "publicationName": null,
    "longitude": 0,
    "matchPositions": [
            "start": 15,
            "text": "cute",
            "length": 4
            "start": 24,
            "text": "videos",
            "length": 6
            "start": 65,
            "text": "my",
            "length": 2
            "start": 68,
            "text": "dog",
            "length": 3
            "start": 95,
            "text": "cutest",
            "length": 6
    "mediaFilter": null,
    "mediaUrls": [],
    "monthlyVisitors": 6000000000,
    "noteIds": [],
    "pageType": "twitter",
    "priority": null,
    "professions": [],
    "queryId": 1998534099,
    "queryName": "My Cat / Dog",
    "reachEstimate": 644,
    "replyTo": null,
    "resourceId": "144080165734",
    "resourceType": "page",
    "retweetOf": null,
    "sentiment": "positive",
    "shortUrls": [],
    "snippet": "Whenever I see cute dog videos I feel obliged to go and sit with my dog to remind him he's the cutest",
    "starred": false,
    "status": null,
    "subtype": null,
    "tags": [
    "threadAuthor": null,
    "threadCreated": null,
    "threadEntryType": "post",
    "threadId": "0",
    "threadURL": null,
    "title": "Charlie (@charIiehughes): Whenever I see cute dog vi ...",
    "twitterAuthorId": "799039776",
    "twitterFollowers": 2257,
    "twitterFollowing": 1920,
    "twitterPostCount": 2431,
    "twitterReplyCount": 0,
    "twitterRetweets": 0,
    "twitterRole": null,
    "twitterVerified": false,
    "url": "http://twitter.com/charIiehughes/statuses/881839094883639296",