Mention Field Definitions
A guide to the metadata fields attached to each mention
Field | Definition | Possible Values |
accountType | Account Type is the type of account ('individual' or 'organisational') that a X author has. This is a X specific field, and will be null for mentions not originating from X. | null, "individual", "organisational" |
added | Added is the date when the mention was added to the Brandwatch query (either by regular crawling or a backfill). | string. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD'T'" |
assignment | Assignment is part of the Brandwatch workflow functionality and allows you to send a mention to another Brandwatch user to check. | null, or the email address (string) of a User with access to the given Project |
author | Author is the nick name, user name or full name of the person who posted a mention. The name depends on the site on which it has been found. | "", or the author (string) of the mention |
authorVerifiedType | Category of verification held by X author | ie. "blue", "business", "government" |
avatarUrl | Avatar URL is the URL of the author's avatar. This is only available for mentions originating from Facebook, Instagram or X. | null, or the URL (string) of the author's avatar |
blogName | Name of the Tumblr page. | null or string |
categories | Categories is an array of IDs of any categories that are applied to the mention. | Empty array, or a array of category IDs (int) |
categoryDetails | Array of the details for each of the categories that is applied to the mention: "id": identifier of the category. "name": name of the category. "parentId": identifier of the parent category. "parentName": name of the parent category. | Empty array, or an array of objects: {id: int, name: string, parentId: int, parentName: string} |
checked | Checked is part of the Brandwatch workflow functionality and can be used to indicate that a mention has been reviewed. | TRUE, FALSE |
city | City is the name of the city from which the mention originated. | null, or the city name (string) |
cityCode | City Code is the shortcode for the city from which the mention originated. | null, or the city code (string) (e.g. "bos1") |
classifications | Array of details for each classification that is applied to the Mention: "classifierId": identifier of the classifier. "labelId": identifier of the classification. "name": name of the classification. "trainingId": identifier of the training set. "confidence": score of the classification. | Empty array, or an array of objects: {classifierId: string, name: string, labelId: string, trainingId: string, confidence: float} |
contentSource | Differentiate the type of content source the mention is ingested from. Use this field for programmatically distinguish sources. Additional information about available content sources can be found by using endpoints in the Global Preset metrics article. | string |
contentSourceName | Human-readable label to describe the kind of data source the mention was found on. Do not user for discriminating content sources, but only for visualization purposes. Use the contentSource field instead. | string. E.g.: "Blogs", "YouTube", "Facebook", "Tumblr", "Instagram", "Forums", "X", "Review", "Reddit", "News" |
continent | Continent is the name of the continent from which the mention originated. | null, or the continent name (string) |
continentCode | Continent Code is the shortcode for the continent from which the mention originated. | null, or the continent code (string) (e.g. "n-a") |
copyright | Copyright information for a Lexis Nexis mention | string |
country | Country is the name of the country from which the mention originated. | null, or the country name (string) |
countryCode | Country Code is the shortcode for the country from which the mention originated. | null, or the country code (string) (e.g. "us") |
custom | Returned when the mention was uploaded through Data Upload API. Contains a list of custom defined properties. | object. {key: string, value: string/number } |
date | Date is the date when the mention was posted. | string. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD'T'" |
dailyVisitors | The number of unique users visiting a website in a day. This is a metric derived internally by our data science team, desktop and mobile visitors to the site of the previous month, and whether the mention was created on a weekday or a weekend factor into it. | 0, or a positive integer |
displayUrls | Display URLs are the shortened links that appear in a mention. This is a X specific field, and will be null for mentions not originating from X. | null, empty array, or a list of the shortened URLs (string) |
domain | Domain is the domain name of the website from which the mention originated. | domain (string) that the mention originated from |
engagementType | Defines the type of mention, when this is a reply to a Facebook or Instagram comment, a repost (retweet), a reply to or quote of a X post. | string. Possible values are "COMMENT", "REPLY", "RETWEET", "QUOTE". |
entityInfo | An array of details describing entities (AI terms) found in the Mention text. "entityId": an integer number/identifier for the WikiData item associated with an entity "entityConfidence": An indication of how confident the AI engine is that it has found the correct match on WikiData (HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, VERY_LOW) "url": Link to the WikiData entry describing the entity | Empty array or an array containing: {entityId: int, entityConfidence: enum[HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, VERY_LOW], url: string}. |
expandedUrls | Display URLs are the full URLs for any shortened links that appear in a mention. This is a X specific metric, and will be null for mentions not originating from X. | null, empty list, or a list of the expanded URLs (string) |
facebookAuthorId | Facebook Author Id is the unique id of the Facebook author. This is a Facebook specific metric, and will be null for mentions not originating from Facebook. | null, or the author id (string) |
facebookComments | Facebook Comments is the number of comments on a Facebook mention. This is a Facebook specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from Facebook. | 0, or a positive integer |
facebookLikes | Facebook Likes is the number of Likes on a Facebook mention. This is a Facebook specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from Facebook. | 0, or a positive integer |
facebookRole | Facebook Role is the role of the Facebook user who authored the post ('owner' or 'audience'). A Facebook role of 'owner' would indicate that the author is posting on their own page, whereas a Facebook role of 'audience' would indicate that an author is posting on someone else's Facebook page. This is a Facebook specific metric, and will be null for mentions not originating from Facebook. | null, "owner", "audience" |
facebookShares | Facebook Shares is number of times that a Facebook mention has been shared. This is a Facebook specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from Facebook. | 0, or a positive integer |
facebookSubtype | Facebook Subtype is the type of media shared in a Facebook mention ('link', 'photo', 'status' or 'video'). This is equivalent to the Facebook Media Type shown in the front end of the Brandwatch Analytics platform. This is a Facebook specific metric, and will be null for mentions not originating from Facebook. | null, "link", "photo", "status", "video" |
fullname | Full Name is the full name of the author who posted the mention. | null, or author's full name (string) |
gender | Gender is the gender ('male', 'female', 'unknown') of an author. This is a X specific metric, and will be 'unknown' for mentions not originating from X. | "male", "female", "unknown" |
guid | content source-specific identifier. It might be empty for certain content sources. | |
imageInfo | An array of details of the analysis done on images in a Mention. "url": URL of image. "md5": MD5 hash. "imageDimensions": width and height of image. "dominantColor": dominant color in the image. "logos", "objects", "actions" and "scenes": element found in the image. Additional information for image object and scene IDs can be found by using endpoints in the Objects & Logos article. | Empty array or an array containing: {url: string, md5: string, imageDimensions: {width: int, height: int}, dominantColor: string, logos: [{id: int, confidence: double, name: string, logoUrl: string, size: string, boundingBox: [{x: int, y: int}]}], objects: [{id: int, confidence: double, name: string}], actions: [{id: int, confidence: double, name: string}], scenes: [{id: int, confidence: double, name: string}]}. |
impact | Impact is a Brandwatch metric to measure the potential impact of an author, site or mention. It's a logarithmic scale between 0-100 normalised for your data to help you find what's most interesting. The impact score takes into account how much potential a mention has to be seen, as well as how many times a mention has been viewed, shared or reposted (retweeted). | A decimal from 0-100 |
importanceAmplification | Deprecated. | |
importanceReach | Deprecated. | |
impressions | Impressions is the potential number of viewers of a post. This is calculated by taking the sum of the followers of the account that originally posted content, and the followers of any accounts that reposted (retweeted) it. This is a X specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from X. | 0, or a positive integer |
insightsHashtag | Insights Hashtags is an array of hashtags identified within the mention. This is a X and Instagram specific field, and will be empty for mentions not originating from X or Instagram. | Empty array, or array of strings |
insightsMentioned | Insights Mentioned is an array of user handles identified within the mention. This is a X and Instagram specific field, and will be empty for mentions not originating from X or Instagram. | Empty array, or array of strings |
instagramCommentCount | Instagram Comment Count is the number of comments on an Instagram mention. This is an Instagram specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from Instagram. | 0, or a positive integer |
instagramFollowerCount | Instagram Followers Count is the number of followers of the Instagram mention's author. This is an Instagram specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from Instagram. | 0, or a positive integer |
instagramFollowingCount | Instagram Following Count is the number of users that the author of an Instagram mention is following. This is an Instagram specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from Instagram. | 0, or a positive integer |
instagramInteractionsCount | Instagram Interactions Count is the sum of likes and posts on an Instagram mention. This is an Instagram specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from Instagram. | 0, or a positive integer |
instagramLikeCount | Instagram Like Count is the number of likes on an Instagram mention. This is an Instagram specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from Instagram. | 0, or a positive integer |
instagramPostCount | Instagram Post Count is the overall number of posts the author of an Instagram mention has made. This is an Instagram specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from Instagram. | 0, or a positive integer |
interest | Interest is an array of the interests that are mentioned in the X bio of the individual (not organization) that authored the mention. This is a X specific field, and will be an empty list for mentions not originating from X. | Empty array, or an array of interests. All possible interests are: "Animals & Pets", "Fine arts", "Automotive", "Beauty/Health & Fitness", "Books", "Business", "Environment", "Family & Parenting", "Fashion", "Movies", "Food & Drinks", "Games", "Music", "Photo & Video", "Politics", "Science", "Shopping", "Sports", "Technology", "Travel", "TV" |
itemReview | The item being reviewed in a review mention | null or string |
language | Language is the shortcode for the language in which the mention was written. | Shortcode for the language (string) (e.g."en") |
lastAssignmentDate | Last Assignment Date is part of the Brandwatch workflow functionality and shows the date when the mention was last assigned to a Brandwatch user. If the mention has never been assigned to a user, this field will be null. | string. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD'T'" |
latitude | Latitude of a geo-tagged X posts. This is a X specific field, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from X as well as mentions that have not been geo-tagged. | float |
linkedinComments | Number of comments on a LinkedIn mention. This is a LinkedIn specific metric and will be 0 for mentions not originating from LinkedIn. | int |
linkedinEngagement | Number of likes, comments, clicks & shares divided by the number of impressions for a LinkedIn mention. This is a LinkedIn specific metric and will be 0 for mentions not originating from LinkedIn. | float |
linkedinImpressions | Number of impressions on a LinkedIn mention. This is a LinkedIn specific metric and will be 0 for mentions not originating from LinkedIn. | int |
linkedinLikes | Number of likes on a LinkedIn mention. This is a LinkedIn specific metric and will be 0 for mentions not originating from LinkedIn | int |
linkedinShares | Number of times a LinkedIn mention has been shared. This is a LinkedIn specific metric and will be 0 for mentions not originating from LinkedIn. | int |
linkedinSponsored | Whether the LinkedIn post is sponsored or organic | string; 'sponsored' or 'organic' |
linkedinVideoViews | Number of times a user has viewed a LinkedIn video for longer than 3 seconds. This is a LinkedIn specific metric and will be 0 for mentions not originating from LinkedIn. | int |
locationName | Location name of a geo-tagged Instagram mentions. This is an Instagram specific metric, and will be null for mentions not originating from Instagram as well as mentions that have not been geo-tagged. | null, or string |
longitude | Longitude of a geo-tagged X post. This is a X specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from X as well as mentions that have not been geo-tagged. | float |
matchPositions | Match Positions is an array of details about words from the mention that matched the query string. "start": start of the matching text. "length": length of the matching text. "text": matching text. | Array of objects in the following format: {length: int, start: int, text: string} |
mediaFilter | Media Filter is the image filter that was used on an Instagram mention. This is an Instagram specific metric, and will be null for mentions not originating from Instagram. | null, or the filter (string) used on the Instagram mention |
mediaUrls | Media URLs is a list of the URLs associated with any media (e.g. photo, video) attached to the mention. | null, empty list, or a list of URLs (string) |
monthlyVisitors | Monthly Visitors is a metric pertaining to the traffic for the site that the mention originated from. It is the total number of unique visitors who have been to the website that month. | 0, or a positive integer |
originalUrl | Original URL is the URL of a X post. If the post is a repost (retweet) or a reply, it will be the URL of the original post instead. This is a X specific field, and will be null for mentions not originating from X. | null, or the URL (string) of the original X post |
pageType | Deprecated. Use contentSource instead. | |
pageTypeName | Deprecated. Use contentSourceName instead. | |
parentPostId | The unique ID of the parent post on Tumblr. Used to track reblogs of a specific post from a specific page on Tumblr and reblogs of those. | null or int |
parentBlogName | Name of the parent page on Tumblr. Used to track content reblogged from a specific Tumblr page. | null or string |
priority | Priority is part of the Brandwatch workflow functionality and can be used to indicate the priority of a mention (e.g. 'high', 'medium', 'low'). If the mention has never been marked with a priority, this field will be null. | null, "n/a", "low", "medium", "high" |
professions | Profession is an array of the professions that are mentioned in the X bio of the individual (not organization) that authored the mention. This is a X specific field, and will be an empty list for mentions not originating from X. | Empty array, or an array of professions. All possible professions are: "Artist", "Executive", "Health practitioner", "Journalist", "Legal", "Politician", "Sales/Marketing/PR", "Scientist & Researcher", "Software developer & IT", "Sportpersons & Trainer", "Student", "Teacher & Lecturer" |
pubType | Name of the publisher of content source or the user-defined name of the custom content source. | string |
publisherSubType | A publisher-defined subtype | null or string (i.e "IMAGE" is an Instagram-defined subtype) |
queryId | Query Id is the unique identifier for the query that the mention originated from in Brandwatch. | int |
queryName | Query Name is the name of the query that the mention originated from in Brandwatch. | string |
rating | Star review rating for review mentions | null or int 1-5 |
reachEstimate | Reach Estimate is a score created by Brandwatch to estimate how many individuals may have seen a piece of content. It's available for multiple data sources and enables the user to compare reach of content from different platforms and track development over time. | 0, or a positive integer |
redditAuthorKarma | The author's total karma at the time the post/comment was created. For more information on Karma see here. Only available on Reddit mentions. | null, or a long |
redditAuthorAwardeeKarma | The author's karma from receiving awards from other users at the time the post/comment was created. For more information on Karma see here. Only available on Reddit mentions. | null, or a long |
redditAuthorAwarderKarma | The author's karma from giving awards to other users at the time the post/comment was created. For more information on Karma see here. Only available on Reddit mentions. | null, or a long |
redditComments | Reddit Comments is the number of comments on a reddit post. This is a Reddit specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from Reddit. This value may not exactly reflect what is shown in the Reddit UI due to the way Reddit supply the data. | 0, or a positive number |
redditScore | Net votes on a reddit post or comment. Number of upvotes minus the number of downvotes. Updated hourly for a period of 7 days from the time it was initially posted. This value may not exactly reflect what is shown in the Reddit UI due to the way Reddit supply the data. | null, an integer |
redditScoreUpvoteRatio | The portion of votes on a message which are upvotes, expressed as a ratio between 0.0 and 1.0. Only available for Reddit Posts, not comments. This value may not exactly reflect what is shown in the Reddit UI due to the way Reddit supply the data. | null, or a float between 0.0 and 1.0 |
region | Region is the name of the region from which the mention originated. | null, or the region name (string) (e.g "Alaska") |
regionCode | Region code is the code of the region from which the mention originated | null, or the region code (string) (e.g "USA.AK") |
replyTo | URL of the original post that this mention is in reply to. This is a X specific field, and will be null for mentions not originating from X and for posts that are not a reply. | null, or the URL (string) of the original X post |
resourceId | Resource Id is the unique identifier assigned to a mention when it is indexed in our database. This is for reference when using the Brandwatch API. | string |
resourceType | Soon to be removed | null or string |
retweetOf | URL of the original post that this mention is a repost (retweet) of. This is a X specific field, and will be null for mentions not originating from X and for posts that are not a repost. | null, or the URL (string) of the original X post |
rootPostId | Unique ID of the root Tumblr mention. Used to track reblogs of a specific post on Tumblr as well as reblogs of those. | null or int |
rootBlogName | Name of the root Tumblr page. Used to track mentions reblogged from a specific page and reblogs of that same content on Tumblr. | null or string |
sentiment | Sentiment is the tone of the mention: positive, negative or neutral. | "positive", "negative", "neutral" |
shortUrls | Short URLs are the shortened links that appear in a mention. This is a X specific field, and will be null for mentions not originating from X. | null, empty array, or an array of the shortened URLs (string) |
snippet | Snippet is a snippet of the mention text that best matches the query. | string |
starred | Starred is part of the Brandwatch workflow functionality and can be used to indicate that a mention is interesting, or to mark it for any other purpose you choose. | TRUE, FALSE |
status | Status is part of the Brandwatch workflow functionality and can be used to indicate the status of a mention (e.g. 'open', 'pending', 'closed'). If the mention has never been marked with a status, this field will be null. | null, "open", "pending", "closed" |
subreddit | The subreddit that the post or comment belongs to. For more information on Subreddits, see here. Only available on Reddit mentions. | null, or a string |
subredditSubscribers | The number of subscribers to the subreddit which the post/comment belongs to, at the time the post/comment was created. Only available on Reddit mentions. | null, or a non-negative long |
subtype | Subtype is the same as the Media Type in the UI, and indicates the type of media included within a Facebook, X, or Instagram mention. | null, "photo", "video", "other", "question", "link", "status" |
tags | Tags is an array of the names of any tags that are applied to the mention. | Empty array, or an array of tag names (string) |
threadAuthor | Thread Author is the name of the author of the original mention in the thread. | null, or the author name (string) |
threadCreated | Thread Created is the date when the original mention in the thread was posted. | string. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD'T'" |
threadEntryType | Thread Entry Type is the type of mention (post, reply, share) for mentions in a thread. | null, "reply", "post", "share" |
threadId | Thread Id is the unique identifier of the thread, (as provided by X or Facebook). | "0", or a the thread id (string) |
threadURL | Thread URL is the URL of the full thread which this mention appears in. | null, or the URL (string) of the thread |
title | Title is the title of the mention, as determined by Brandwatch. | string |
twitterAuthorId | Unique identifier of the X author. This is a X specific field, and will be null for mentions not originating from X. | null, or a string |
twitterFollowers | Number of followers of the X mention's author. This is a X specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from X. | 0, or a positive integer |
twitterFollowing | Number of users that the author of a X mention is following. This is a X specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from X. | 0, or a positive integer |
twitterLikeCount | The number of likes a X post has received a like. This metric is updated once per hour so will lag behind what is reflected in the X UI. X posts collected before Brandwatch started collecting like data will have a null value. | null, or a positive long |
twitterPostCount | Total number of X posts that the author of the mention has posted. This is a X specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from X. | 0, or a positive integer |
twitterReplyCount | Total number of replies to an X post. This is a X specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from X. | 0, or a positive integer |
twitterRetweets | Total number of times that a X post has been reposted (retweeted). This is a X specific metric, and will be 0 for mentions not originating from X. | 0, or a positive integer |
twitterRole | Role of the X user who authored the post ('owner' or 'audience'). A X role of 'owner' would indicate that the author is posting on their own channel, whereas a X role of 'audience' would indicate that an author is posting on someone else's channel. This is a X specific metric, and will be null for mentions not originating from X. | null, "owner", "audience" |
twitterVerified | It indicates if the author of the mention is verified on X (These are large accounts, usually celebrities). This is a X specific field, and will be false for all mentions not originating from X. | TRUE, FALSE |
updated | Updated is the date when the mention was last modified. | string. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD'T'" |
url | URL is the URL of the mention. | string |
weblogTitle | Name or ID of the specific Reddit or forum author | "", string or int (id of author) |
Updated 25 days ago