Sorting Mentions
When retrieving Mentions, you have many options by which to sort them using the orderBy
parameter. Below, you can find a list of accepted values for this parameter.
Name |
accounttype |
added |
assignment |
author |
authorVerifiedType |
checked |
date |
facebookcomments |
facebooklikes |
facebookrole |
facebookshares |
gender |
impact |
impressions |
instagramcommentcount |
instagramfollowercount |
instagramfollowingcount |
instagraminteractionscount |
instagramlikecount |
instagrampostcount |
lastassignmentdate |
linkedinComments |
linkedinEngagement |
linkedinImpressions |
linkedinLikes |
linkedinShares |
linkedinVideoViews |
md5 (allows for a one-time randomization of mentions by sorting by md5 hash) |
monthlyvisitors |
priority |
publicationname |
reachestimate |
redditAuthorKarma |
redditscore |
resourcetype |
sinaWeiboBiFollowers |
sinaWeiboFavouritesCount |
sinaWeiboFollowers |
sinaWeiboFollowing |
sinaWeiboPostCount |
status |
subredditSubscribers |
subtype |
threadentrytype |
title |
twitterfollowers |
twitterfollowing |
twitterLikeCount |
twitterpostcount |
twitterreplycount |
twitterretweets |
twitterrole |
twitterverified |
updated |
Updated almost 2 years ago