Creating Tags

Listing the Tags within your Project.

The following call will create a new Tag called "Test Tag- Purchase" in the Project with the ID 1998283571:
(Click here to learn how to get your Project ID)

curl -X POST '' \
-h 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"name": "Test Tag - Purchase"}'

The response will look like this:

    "id": 14811101,
    "name": "Test Tag - Purchase",
    "displayName": null,
    "queryIds": null,
    "rules": [],
    "matchingType": "manual"

Creating a Tag using Searches and Filters

This endpoint also allows you to define searches and filters to automatically perform actions on mentions, both in the future and historically.

For example, you may set up a Tag that automatically applies a Tag with the name "Purchase" when the text of the Mention contains the phrase "I just bought", like in the example below:

curl -X POST '' \
-h 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "rules": [
            "filter": {
                "search": "\"I just bought\"",
                "sentiment": [
    "name": "Test Tag - Purchase",
    "queryIds": []

The response will look like this:

    "id": 15429620,
    "name": "Test Tag - Purchase",
    "displayName": null,
    "queryIds": null,
    "rules": [
            "id": 162563005,
            "projectId": null,
            "name": null,
            "filter": {
                "queryId": null,
                "queryGroupId": null,
                "projectId": null,
                "startDate": null,
                "endDate": null,
                "timezone": null,
                "search": "\"I just bought\"",
                "sinceAssignmentUpdated": null,
                "untilAssignmentUpdated": null,
                "author": null,
                "xauthor": null,
                "exactAuthor": null,
                "xexactAuthor": null,
                "authorGroup": null,
                "xauthorGroup": null,
                "sentiment": [
                "pageType": null,
                "xpageType": null,
                "siteGroup": null,
                "xsiteGroup": null,
                "locationGroup": null,
                "xlocationGroup": null,
                "location": null,
                "xlocation": null,
                "category": null,
                "xcategory": null,
                "parentCategory": null,
                "xparentCategory": null,
                "tag": null,
                "xtag": null,
                "anyTag": null,
                "status": null,
                "xstatus": null,
                "priority": null,
                "xpriority": null,
                "checked": null,
                "starred": null,
                "assigned": null,
                "xassigned": null,
                "monthlyVisitorsMax": null,
                "monthlyVisitorsMin": null,
                "twitterFollowersMax": null,
                "twitterFollowersMin": null,
                "twitterFollowingMax": null,
                "twitterFollowingMin": null,
                "twitterReplyTo": null,
                "xtwitterReplyTo": null,
                "twitterRetweetOf": null,
                "xtwitterRetweetOf": null,
                "twitterPostCountMax": null,
                "twitterPostCountMin": null,
                "twitterRetweetsMax": null,
                "twitterRetweetsMin": null,
                "reachEstimateMin": null,
                "reachEstimateMax": null,
                "language": null,
                "xlanguage": null,
                "domain": null,
                "xdomain": null,
                "facebookAuthorId": null,
                "xfacebookAuthorId": null,
                "facebookRole": null,
                "xfacebookRole": null,
                "facebookSubtype": null,
                "xfacebookSubtype": null,
                "subtype": null,
                "xsubtype": null,
                "facebookCommentsMax": null,
                "facebookCommentsMin": null,
                "facebookLikesMax": null,
                "facebookLikesMin": null,
                "facebookSharesMax": null,
                "facebookSharesMin": null,
                "twitterVerified": null,
                "twitterRole": null,
                "twitterAuthorId": null,
                "xtwitterAuthorId": null,
                "impressionsMax": null,
                "impressionsMin": null,
                "impactMax": null,
                "impactMin": null,
                "instagramFollowersMax": null,
                "instagramFollowersMin": null,
                "instagramFollowingMax": null,
                "instagramFollowingMin": null,
                "instagramPostsMax": null,
                "instagramPostsMin": null,
                "instagramLikesMax": null,
                "instagramLikesMin": null,
                "instagramCommentsMax": null,
                "instagramCommentsMin": null,
                "instagramInteractionsMax": null,
                "instagramInteractionsMin": null,
                "threadId": null,
                "xthreadId": null,
                "threadEntryType": null,
                "xthreadEntryType": null,
                "threadAuthor": null,
                "xthreadAuthor": null,
                "postByAuthor": null,
                "xpostByAuthor": null,
                "shareOfAuthor": null,
                "xshareOfAuthor": null,
                "replyToAuthor": null,
                "xreplyToAuthor": null,
                "resourceType": null,
                "xresourceType": null,
                "insightsEmoticon": null,
                "insightsEmoji": null,
                "insightsHashtag": null,
                "insightsMentioned": null,
                "insightsUrl": null,
                "insightsSharedSite": null,
                "xinsightsEmoticon": null,
                "xinsightsEmoji": null,
                "xinsightsHashtag": null,
                "xinsightsMentioned": null,
                "xinsightsUrl": null,
                "xinsightsSharedSite": null,
                "gender": null,
                "accountType": null,
                "profession": null,
                "xprofession": null,
                "interest": null,
                "xinterest": null,
                "exclusiveLocation": null,
                "hourOfDay": null,
                "dayOfWeek": null,
                "geolocated": null,
                "latitudeMin": null,
                "latitudeMax": null,
                "longitudeMin": null,
                "longitudeMax": null,
                "logoImagesGroupId": null,
                "xlogoVersions": null,
                "logoVersions": null,
                "xclassifications": null,
                "classifications": null,
                "youtubeOnly": null,
                "audienceList": null,
                "xaudienceList": null
            "scope": null,
            "enabled": true,
            "ruleAction": null,
            "queryName": null,
            "projectName": "Segmentation IA Test",
            "categoryId": 15429620,
            "queryIds": null
    "matchingType": "keywords"

In order to tag existing (historical) Mentions, you must make a separate API call.

In the following example, 15429620 is the Tag id found in the response above.

curl -X POST ''