Retrieving Tags

Listing the Tags within your Project.

The following call will list the Tags in the Project with ID 162752818:
(Click here to learn how to get your Project ID)

curl -X GET ''

The response will look like this:

    "resultsTotal": 2,
    "resultsPage": -1,
    "resultsPageSize": -1,
    "results": [
            "id": 14811101,
            "name": "test tag 1",
            "displayName": null,
            "queryIds": [123],
            "queries": [
		    "id": 123,
		    "name": "queryName"
            "rules": [],
            "matchingType": "manual"
            "id": 14205426,
            "name": "test tag 2",
            "displayName": null,
            "queryIds": null,
            "rules": [],
            "matchingType": "keywords"

You can then use a Tag id when filtering or breaking down Mention calls.