Chart aggregates and dimensions

How to make all of the different charts available.

On this page we will show:

For example calls, please refer to the examples on the previous page.


General dimensions

queriesChart by the queries that mentions are stored in. Use when passing through specific Query IDs.
sentimentChart by the sentiment of the mentions.
queryGroupsChart by the query groups that mentions are stored in. Use when passing through specific Query Group IDs.
authorsChart by the authors that posted the mentions.
languagesChart by the language of the mentions.

Workflow dimensions

categoriesChart by the categories applied to mentions.Optionally dimXArgs can be used to specify the category ids a user wants to include in the breakdown.

Can be specified multiple times in the query parameters- e.g. dim1Args=1&dim1Args=2.

A category id of -1 can be specified to include uncategorised mentions in the breakdown.

If not present all categories that have been applied to the mentions are returned.
parentCategoriesChart by the parent categories applied to mentions.n/a
mixedCategoriesChart by both parent and subcategories applied to mentions (e.g to compare subcategories from different parent categories).n/a
tagsChart by the tags that have been applied.Optionally dimXArgs can be used to specify the tags a user wants to include in the breakdown.

Can be specified multiple times in the query parameters- e.g. dim1Args=myTag1&dim1Args=myTag2.

A tag name of -1 can be specified to include untagged mentions in the breakdown.

If not present all tags that have been applied to the mentions are returned.
assignmentChart by the users that mentions are assigned to.n/a
checkedChart by whether mentions have been checked or not.n/a
priorityChart by the priority assigned to a mention.n/a
statusChart by the status assigned to mentions.n/a

Location dimensions

continentsChart by the continent a mention was posted from.
countriesChart by the country a mention was posted from.
citiesChart by the city a mention was posted from.
regionsChart by the region a mention was posted from.

Time dimensions

monthsChart by the months that mentions were from.
weeksChart by the weeks that mentions were from.
daysChart by the days that mentions were from.
hoursChart by the hours that mentions were from.
minutesChart by the minutes that mentions were from.
hourOfDayChart by the hour of day that mentions were from.
dayOfWeekChart by the day of week that mentions were from.

Demographic dimensions

Please note: these are currently for Twitter data only.

accountTypesChart by the account type that mentions were posted from.
genderChart by the gender of the account that mentions were posted from.
interestChart by the interests of the account that mentions were posted from.
professionChart by the professions of the account that mentions were posted from.

Site dimensions

pageTypesChart by the page type of the site that mentions were posted from.
domainsChart by the domain of the site that mentions were posted from.

Reddit dimensions

subredditsChart by the top subreddits that mentions were posted in.Optionally dimXArgs can be used to determine the aggregate used for defining the "top" subreddits, by default it is volume, however it could be any other aggregate.Optionally dimXLimit can be used to determine how many top subreddits should be included in the chart- default is 10, max is 100.


General aggregates

volumeAggregate by the volume of mentions.
authorsAggregate by the authors of the mentions.
domainsAggregate by the domain that mentions are from.
impressionsAggregate by impressions.
netSentimentAggregate by net sentiment score (-5 to +5).
reachEstimateAggregate by the estimated reach.
twitterFollowersAggregate by number of Twitter followers.
twitterLikeCountAggregate by number of Twitter likes
redditScoreAggregate by net Reddit Score
redditAuthorKarmaMinAggregate by minimum Reddit Author Karma
redditAuthorKarmaMaxAggregate by maximum Reddit Author Karma
subredditsAggregate by the total unique subreddits